Bundesliga Match Facts: DFL and AWS present 'Most Pressed Player'


Since the start of 2020, the DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga and Amazon Web Services have collaborated on, among others, the area of data analysis. The partnership has enabled the live processing of data into innovative statistics, resulting in ‘Bundesliga Match Facts powered by AWS’, a feature available to broadcasters and fans during matches. One of three new real-time stats now being introduced is ‘Most Pressed Player’.


Modern football is often about nipping opposition attacks in the bud. With ‘Most Pressed Player’, one facet of pressing can be mapped in real time. The focus, however, is not on the players running towards the ball and trying to win it back from the opposition - but rather on the player in possession. Fans, commentators and coaches can now use the Bundesliga Match Fact ‘Most Pressed Player’ to see how often a single player is put under significant pressure when in possession of the ball.

Relevant variables involved in the calculation are the number of attacking players, as well as their distance and direction of movement to the player in possession of the ball. If a certain threshold value is reached for these three components, the algorithm machine calculates a pressure situation for the player on the ball.

The number of these individual player pressure situations is then compared to his teammates’ averages during a game. This enables watchers to identify quickly which players in particular are often pressed by the opposition, and which players are relatively free on the ball.

TV stations now have the option of showing ‘Most Pressed Player’ percentages relative to their teammates in their live coverage. Fans can also use the Bundesliga App to obtain real-time rankings pertaining to the most pressed players.