DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga has sent the clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 a guideline to help them create concepts for their individual locations in order to allow spectators back into stadiums.
DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga has sent the clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 a guideline to help them create concepts for their individual locations in order to allow spectators back into stadiums. - © DFL
DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga has sent the clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 a guideline to help them create concepts for their individual locations in order to allow spectators back into stadiums. - © DFL

Possible return of spectators to stadiums: DFL sends clubs a guideline for creating concepts for their individual locations


As announced last week, DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga today sent the clubs of the Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 a guideline to help them create concepts for their individual locations in order to allow spectators back into stadiums.


The guideline provides a basic structure for the concepts and lists numerous aspects that must be taken into account. It was assessed by the German Federal Ministry of Health, which saw an advance copy.

The Ministry emphasized that systematic compliance with the highest standards of infection protection is a fundamental requirement for allowing live crowds for football matches again. Allowing fans back in (partially) should always depend on the regional trend of infections. The clubs’ concepts, which have to be approved by the local health authorities in charge, are also a key factor.

An Extraordinary Members Assembly will be convened at an early stage before the start of the season to discuss whether there will be a uniform procedure for all Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 clubs on certain points, such as ticket contingents for visiting clubs.

The guideline can be downloaded here (German only)