ÉricDina Ebimbe
All goals of Éric Dina Ebimbe
Éric Dina Ebimbe Stats season 2024-2025
Éric Dina Ebimbe Last match
Éric Dina Ebimbe Career
Former clubs
Éric Dina Ebimbe Career stats
Éric Dina Ebimbe history
Éric Dina Ebimbe was born on 21 November 2000 in Stains and plays for Eintracht Frankfurt. He played for AAS Sarcelles from 2006-2012, for Paris Saint-Germain FC from 2012-2019, for Le Havre AC from 2019-2020, for Dijon FCO from 2020-2021, for Paris Saint-Germain FC from 2021-2022 and has played for Eintracht Frankfurt since 2022.
Current season 2024/25
With one assist, Éric Dina Ebimbe presently has the seventh-most in his team along with Ellyes Skhiri, Tuta, Nnamdi Collins, Can Uzun, Jean-Mattéo Bahoya and Mahmoud Dahoud. He additionally made one pass to a shot. In three of the previous six games of the season, he was in the starting line-up. Of these six games, he won 3 with his club. Additionally, Éric Dina Ebimbe was substituted in for three games.
Last game
The player with the shirt number 26 played his last game on the 10th matchday of the 2024/25 season (10 November 2024). Playing for Eintracht Frankfurt, he won against VfB Stuttgart 3-2. He was in the starting line-up in this game and played as a midfielder for 45 minutes. He shot at the opponent's goal a total of two times. In terms of total touches, he had 25 individual ball possessions. Furthermore, he had 16 tackle challenges in the last match. Of these, Éric Dina Ebimbe was able to win four. He covered a distance of 5.4 km during his total playing time in this game. In doing so, he had a total of 12 sprints.
Bundesliga career and records
Éric Dina Ebimbe has played 56 matches throughout the course of his career in the Bundesliga. Of these, he has won 23. He has played all the matches of his career in the Bundesliga as a member of Eintracht Frankfurt. Here, Éric Dina Ebimbe has put a total of eight balls in the net.